Maple Syrup Donations Needed!

Can you help the Humane Society by donating some of your delicious local maple syrup for next weekend's fundraiser? Give Deana a call at ‭(715) 219-5966‬, and donate what you can! read more

We're Hiring!

Job openings
The Animal Shelter is looking for dedicated animal care workers! Are you responsible and ready to work? Are you - Retired, but looking for something part time? The parent of school-aged children,... read more


New Auction
Our NEW ONLINE AUCTION Starts Today - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, and will end THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6TH AT 8PM! Head over to the Langlade County Humane Society Auction Page and BID!!! Click here: Auction... read more

New Online Auction Coming!

online auction - February
There's a new online auction that will begin Saturday, February 1st, and end Thursday, February 6th! Go to the online auction page on February 1st to bid! Here are just a few of the items! ... read more

Dog Houses Needed!

dog houses
Do you have a doghouse that you can donate? Our pups love being out in the fresh air, but they also like having a cozy place to curl up. We add insulation and straw to keep them warm and cozy. With... read more

Thank you, Our Happy Place!

Our Happy Place
Thank you to Our Happy Place for hosting this event, and everyone who attended, contributed, and had fun - THANK YOU! read more

Thank you, Northstar Lanes and Half Stack Alice!

November 9th fundraiser
Thank you, Northstar Lanes and for everyone who joined us for this Fundraising Event! The event was a big success and everyone had a wonderful time! read more
Adopt a Pet